Allot of people ask us, are standing desks really better for you?
And the simple answer is yes. Studies show that standing at least every hour has many health benefits, in fact there is evidence to support this theory since the Apple I-watch has a built in health monitor that even reminds you every hour to stand up and walk around if it notices you have been sitting for too long.
Apples website even states "The Stand alert will pop up on your watch at 10 minutes before the top of every hour, if Apple Watch senses you've been inactive for 50 minutes."
Apple CEO Tim Cook said that all Apple employees are getting a high quality standing desk. And no this isn't a cruel directive to force his employees to work longer and harder, Tim Cook has viewed this as a way to promote a very healthy work environment which in turn does lead to healthier and a more productive employee. To read the scientific articles that support Tim Cooks decision to be as progressive as he has been with respect to taking peoples heath seriously read the article here.
How many hours a day do you spend sitting?
If you added up all the time you spend watching sitting in office and then in the car and when you go home watching TV etc, you may be quite alarmed? A recent study found that on average adults spends approximately 60% of their day sitting.
Is siting bad for you?
If you want to live a long and healthy life, then it really does matter how long you spend sitting instead of standing. Many studies have found that the more time you spent sitting the greater the risk of causing illnesses that lead to earlier death. One analysis determined that each hour of daily sitting time was associated with an increase in dying from all causes, in other words been less fit will cause illnesses to be worse.
What about all that time you spend at the gym?
A study was done by the Journal of Medicine and Science who looked at the association of sitting time and mortality. They discovered that even among people exercising daily, it was still the amount of time spent sitting that increased their risk of cardiovascular mortality. Since then more and more studies are coming to the same conclusion that 30 minutes of daily physical activity is not enough to counteract the negative effects of sitting all day, we have to do more if we are to stay healthy and live longer
How can a standing desk help your health?
The Simplest way to live longer according to some studies is simple, stand more often!. But before running out to quit your desk job, consider this simple solution. An electric Standing Desk for the office or even the home office that will allow you to decrease the amount of time you spend sitting, while still getting your work done. Simply press a button you can change your position from sitting to standing and potentially add years to your life.
What are the different types of Standing desks on the market?.
When you start shopping for a standing desk lift, there are a few things you’ll need to consider when deciding what the ideal stand and sit desk lift is right for you.
There are basically 2 types of Standing desks:
- Manual control Standing desk
- Electronically motorized standing desks
Manual control Standing desk:
These 2 types of sit stand desks are by far the most common and the differences are in their title. One uses a manual handle where you wind it in one direction to make the desk raise up and then wind it in the other direction to make it lower.
The problem with this manual control is that it can take quite a while to go from the sitting position to the standing position and that actually results in people much less likely to go from one to the other, thereby becoming a total waste of time buying one to begin with
An Electrically controlled standing desk works by using Linear Actuator technology in each leg of the desk frame that are connected to a main controller that hides out of sight under the desk frame and that controller takes care of ensuring that the linear actuator desk legs move up and down in sync regardless of whether the desk has more weight one one side of the desk or not.
A control pad that attaches to the desk top is also connected to the main controller, the control pad has a number of buttons to control the position of the standing desk, including some memory controlled set positions that works just like the memory seats in your car. The control pad also shows a digital display that shows the height of the Desk in inches.
How do you choose the right Standing Desk?
Assuming you have already decided to buy an Electronic Standing Desk, one of the factors you need to consider is whether you choose a standing desk lift with single stage or dual stage legs. What does that mean? What is the difference between single stage or these dual stage legs, and which is best for me?
When looking for the right electric standing desk lift, you may want to consider some application specific factors to determine the right one for you. Below are a few factors you’ll want to consider when choosing the ideal standing desk for your office or home office.
Standing Height Range available – The height range the mechanism can actually move through is important, the range will give you the minimum and maximum height the desk mechanism can achieve. You will want to make sure that your electric lift system is able to go low enough to allow you to sit and work ergonomically when been used in the sitting position, and also go high enough to allow you to stand and work when used in the standing desk position . If you are a taller person this will be particularly important.
Weight Capacity of the mechanism – The weight capacity of the height adjustable standing desk systems will need to be strong enough to carry the weight of the desk top and all of its contents plus some spare capacity to be safe. This is particularly important for larger desks where multiple people with multiple equipment will work simultaneously, or if you have heavy equipment you like to keep on your desk.

How do you Assemble a Standing Desk?
Installing a standing desk is very easy, here is a instructions video showing how the FIRGELLI E-Desk Standing desk mechanism actually works.
How to install a Standing Desk lift - The easiest way to install a desk lift
This entertaining video below shows how easy it is to convert an existing regular desk into an electric standing desk without even removing anything off the top of the desk top and without even removing the existing legs first. This really is the lazy way to install a Standing desk mechanism.
To view the FIRGELLI E-Desks please visit our Standing Desk collections page here.